Friday, October 30, 2009

October the 30th 2009

~Today we are using this time to catch up. We are suppose to update learning logs, blogs, and anything else we haven't finished. I think I have everything just about finished. In the second half of the class we are going to get with our team and talk about our three game ideas we came up with. We have to present our ideas to the class on Monday. So far I can think of two game ideas my team came up with the other day. We'll probably have to create another idea today. I am going to finish up with what I'm doing and then go discuss the games with my team. I am having a little trouble with the mini game. I cannot get the scoreboard to work correctly. Does anyone know how to do it?~

Thursday, October 29, 2009

October the 29th 2009

~I went to Mrs. Neal's blog and took the left brain, right brain quiz. My first results were that I am 51% left brain and 49% right brain. I use both sides of my brain, so I guess I am pretty well balanced. The second test said that I was 32% right brain and 78% left brain. I don't know which test was accurate. Switching the subject, I have gotten to the part of the mini game where you make the scoreboard, and I cannot get the score to change when the bunny eats a carrot. I do not know what I'm doing wrong, but I'll probably figure it out tomorrow.~

Wednesday, October 28, 2009

October the 28th 2009

~Today we are continuing our work on the Mini Game. I've gotten a little confused along the way, but I've done well so far. I'm now stuck at the part where you do the collision detection. I haven't worked with the score board yet, so I don't know if I'll have trouble with it or not. We are working together as a class, so when others get to that point, then they will probably be able to help me.~

Monday, October 19, 2009

October the Nineteenth 2009

~Today I am updating my learning log and my blog. I'm finished with everything else. The others who weren't here Friday are getting caught up today.~

Friday, October 16, 2009

October the Sixteenth 2009

~Today I created the page for Team SEE. I uploaded an eye I had drawn in flash. If my team doesn't like it, we can change it when they get back. Neither of my teammates were here today. We can fill out the rest of the page on Monday.~

Wednesday, October 14, 2009

October the 14th 2009

~Today I worked on the mini game. I got to where you make the bunny move and I had a lot of problems. I can't get it to work quite right. I'll work more on it tomorrow.~

Tuesday, October 13, 2009

October the Thirteenth 2009

Response to Question of the Week:

~I think the boy should be punished, and he should be in a facility for troubled children. Even though he's very young, he still probably knew better than to abuse his family. It was bad too that he abused his parents, which are probably the ones who paid for the cell phone.~

Friday, October 9, 2009

October the Ninth 2009

~Today I added everyone to my blog list. I haven't been here for a while. I'm trying to keep caught up on my blog and my learning log. When I'm not at school, I'll still try to update my blog and my learning log.~