Friday, May 21, 2010

May the Twenty-First 2010

~It's coming down to the time when our games need to be finished. We've gotten so much further at this point than we were last year. Last year we tried to do videography in this class and do globaloria too. This year we mainly did globaloria. We got with our teammates and figured out what we needed to do. We didn't fool around with our tasks like we did last year. It also helped this year since we have teams of 3 instead of 2. It's too much work to only have 2 people working on a game. At this point if our game isn't finished, then it's not going to be finished. We're getting down to the wire and we have so many other things to do on top of this. We are going to work as hard as we can to get evertything completed, but I guess we'll have to make due with what we have. We're only lacking a part of the penguin scene and part of the coal scene. I finished my part of the game which is the house scene. I think our team has created a really great game. I think our game reflects the effort we put into it. I'm excited to see everyone else's completed game. I think their's will be really great too. We still need to set a date when we can all stay after school and practice our presentations. Last year CEKeener and I worked really hard on our presentation and I think it turned out great. All of the presentations went really well. I hope they go that well this year. It's a bittersweet feeling to know that I only have a few days left in high school. It disappoints me that because of my health problems I wasn't able to come to school more often. I'm excited to get the presentations over with and then we can celebrate the hard work we put into creating these great games.~

Wednesday, May 19, 2010

May The Nineteenth 2010

~I didn't get to post a blog two times last week. I only got to post one time. I added all of our team progress together into one file. That's what I've been doing for a while. It's not a hard thing to do, but it's very time-consuming. I think tomorrow I'll start on the powerpoint. Today I added the rest of my team's progress into the game file. We're almost finished with our game. There are still some things that need to be done in the coal and penguin parts of our game. Once those parts are finished, I can add them into the final game file and we'll be finished.~

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

May the Twelfth 2010

~Today I am going to continue merging the files for our game. It's not really hard to merge the files, it's just really time consuming. I think our game will be finished in time, if not I think it will be close to being done. I'm excited because it's finally coming together to show how hard we've worked throughout this year.~

Friday, May 7, 2010

May the Seventh 2010

~Today I finished putting our game together. I added the title screen and the about screen into our game. I'm waiting for the rest of our game to get finished. Once my team members are finished with the rest of the game, then we can add it into my part of the game. It's exciting to see how it's all coming out.~

Tuesday, May 4, 2010

May the Fourth 2010

~Today I am going to finish making the facts screen for our game. We're getting down to the time when our games need to be finished. My team needs to get together and add all of the contents of our game into one file. I went on the WIKI and got some of the game files on our team page and put them into the game. I uploaded the latest file of our game onto my team page.~

Friday, April 30, 2010

April the Thirtieth 2010

~I was excited on Monday because I found out that a photo I had taken is going to be published in the "Best Photography of 2010" book. My biography will also be in the book. I haven't been to school for a while. I've been really sick. It's good to be back and now I'm ready to continue working on our game. Today we are going to finish presenting our game progress. I don't know which teams have gone yet, because I wasn't here.~

Monday, April 26, 2010

April the Twenty-Sixth 2010

~Today I uploaded a "Facts Screen" for our game. Our players need to know the reason for our game. We want to teach them good habits that will help the environment. If children learn habits early in life, the habits will more than likely stay with them. Wednesday Mrs. Neal is going to have each team present to the class what we have completed so far. I think my team is on the right track. I think we will have a nice game by the end of the year. I'm excited to see what all the other teams have completed.~

Thursday, April 22, 2010

April the Twenty-Second 2010

Earth Day, Earth Day, It's the Earth's Birthday!

~Today I finished the new character for our game. I made this little lightbulb character called Lightbulby. He will be on the TV in the house of our game. I still haven't figured out how to do this. I think it will be a nice thing to add to our game. Once I've figured out how to put him in our game, I will upload my progress to my team page. I'm excited to see how our game is going to turn out! ~

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

April the Twentieth 2010

~Today I am working on another character for our game. There is a TV in one of the rooms of the house in our game. I wanted to put a video on the TV. I changed my mind and decided to make a cartoon character called "Lightbulby". He will be playing on the TV when you enter the living room. He will just be kind of dancing around on the screen. I wanted a character that would fit into our game. I think that a lightbulb character will fit into our game well. Once I've finished working on him, I'll upload him to our game page.~

Monday, April 19, 2010

April the Nineteenth 2010

~Today I finished the house part of our game. I think it looks good. I need to fix some of the actionscript though. I have multiple things in each room that are clickable. When you don't click them in the right order, it goes to the wrong screen. I don't know how to fix this, but I'm trying to figure it out.~

Friday, April 16, 2010

April the Sixteenth 2010

~Yesterday I did the interview with David. I think it went well. Today I'm still finishing up the house for our game. There's some actionscript I need to fix, but other than that I'm getting along fine. It's a lot easier this year since I already know a lot about actionscript. Last year we had to learn actionscript and flash. This year I already know how to use flash and actionscript. It's coming in really handy. I've realized lately that it's a whole lot easier with three people in a team. Last year we only had two people in each team. We're getting things finished a whole lot faster this year. Each member of my team is making a different section of the game. Once we merge all of our flash files, I think we will have a really good game.~

Thursday, April 15, 2010

April the Fifteenth 2010

~Today we are continuing the interviews with David. Yesterday they filmed some of us working on our flash and our WIKI's. Today we are going to finish the interviews. I hope we all do well on the interviews. I hope we don't run out of things to say. I am still working on getting the house together for our game. I have all the rooms working, but I still want to add more objects to each of the rooms. I could even add a hallway, closet, basement, or an attic or something.~

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

April the Thirteenth 2010

~Today I am still working on the house scene for our game. I made the outside of the house. Now I'm working on each room of the house. I'm making it where you can click on a room, then it will take you to the room. When you get there, you can click on various items in the room that need to be fixed. One example is in the bathroom there is a bright light bulb. You can click on the lightbulb and it will go dark. You can also turn the running water off. I'm finished with the bathroom and now I'm working on the living room. I made a lamp that you can turn off and I made a TV. I'm going to make a little video on the TV if I can figure out how to do it. I'm excited to see how our game is going to turn out.~

Wednesday, March 24, 2010

March the Twenty-Fourth 2010

~Today I continued working on the house for our game. I made the inside of the house and the outside. I'm going to make it so that you can click on a room and it will zoom into it. That's where you'll click on the things in the house that need to be fixed. If you want to look at the scenes you have to download the fla file because I haven't put any actionscript into it, so it just flashes on and off. I'm going to keep working on it and I'll post my progress as I go along. I think our game is going to come out nicely!~

Wednesday, March 17, 2010

March the Seventeenth 2010

~Today we updated our team page so that it tells what our game is about and how it's going to be composed. I am excited for our game to be finished and ready to play!~

Friday, March 12, 2010

March the Twelfth 2010

~Today we are registering for the STEM Games Competition. We are getting together as a team to register. Team SEE is gonna win!!!~

Thursday, March 11, 2010

March the Eleventh 2010

~When playing a game, if you have a connection with the game, such as a life experience, then you have a better game experience. I love music, so if I played a game that had to do with music, then I would have a better game experience rather than playing a game about something that I don't know anything about. Game experience very much depends on your connection with the game.~

Thursday, February 11, 2010

Snow! Snow! Snow!

~I like watching the snow come down, but once it's down, I'm ready for it to melt away. We've had enough snow this year, and I'm ready for it to end. Everyone else is probably happy because school's been out, but I'm homebound so it didn't make a difference for me. The snow is exciting for a little while, but now it's getting a little old. "Snow, Snow, go away, come again another day." Ha Ha.~

Sunday, February 7, 2010

February the Seventh 2010

~I finished my powerpoint on perspective and viewpoint. I emailed it to Mrs. Neal. It was hard for me to do the powerpoint because once I found some information on the internet, I realized that powerpoint wasn't on my computer. I had to go to the library the next day and download Open Office. Then I did the powerpoint. It was hard to find information and tutorials about perspective and viewpoints in flash. I had to base it on things that I already knew. I put a couple of links to tutorials on my powerpoint. I don't really know how good the tutorials are because I couldn't watch the whole video since my internet is so slow. At least I got the assignment finished, even though it took a while to get it done!~

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

My Favorite Game

What is your favorite game and why?, then follow up with you how your game is going to be incorporating those components.

I have a lot of favorite games, but if I had to choose, I would pick Super Bonk(a Super Nintendo game). Hardly anyone has ever heard of it, but it's my all time favorite game. It's really old, but time didn't change this game. I got it when I was little and I still play it every once in a while. I can't really think of any components of it that we will use in making our game, except that it has animated characters like our game will have. The only social issue that Super Bonk has to do with is that you have hearts and you have to keep your health up. It's random, it's crazy, and it's fun. That's why it's my favorite game.

Sunday, January 17, 2010

January the Fifteenth 2010

~I've been working with flash trying to get the hang of it again. I'm starting on some components of our game. I'm going to make pieces and upload them to my team page. I also updated my learning log.~

Tuesday, January 12, 2010

January the Twelfth 2010

~ Today we updated our learning logs and blogs. I updated my learning log from a long time ago. I'm glad to be back to school and I hope that this time I'll be able to stay in school. I've been working on some game characters at home. Once I've finished them I will upload them to my team page.~