Thursday, February 11, 2010

Snow! Snow! Snow!

~I like watching the snow come down, but once it's down, I'm ready for it to melt away. We've had enough snow this year, and I'm ready for it to end. Everyone else is probably happy because school's been out, but I'm homebound so it didn't make a difference for me. The snow is exciting for a little while, but now it's getting a little old. "Snow, Snow, go away, come again another day." Ha Ha.~

Sunday, February 7, 2010

February the Seventh 2010

~I finished my powerpoint on perspective and viewpoint. I emailed it to Mrs. Neal. It was hard for me to do the powerpoint because once I found some information on the internet, I realized that powerpoint wasn't on my computer. I had to go to the library the next day and download Open Office. Then I did the powerpoint. It was hard to find information and tutorials about perspective and viewpoints in flash. I had to base it on things that I already knew. I put a couple of links to tutorials on my powerpoint. I don't really know how good the tutorials are because I couldn't watch the whole video since my internet is so slow. At least I got the assignment finished, even though it took a while to get it done!~