Friday, September 18, 2009

September the Eighteenth 2009

~This week I have worked really hard on getting caught up. I posted my comments about the games on my projects page. I had to work hard on getting my projects page fixed. It was different than everyone else's since I kept the one from last year. I had to go into one of the new student's projects page and copy it. I pasted it into mine, so now mine is just like their's. I went on down my projects page and started on the "Choosing a Topic" assignment. I am now caught up with everyone else and I am continuing to work.~

1 comment:

VickyNeal said...

Sheena, thanks for the effort to get caught up. Maybe you could help Xavier on MOnday (remind me) since he has had issues with his old page. Stay healthy! Try EmergenC, a product that helps improve immune system? Have a good weekend!