~I like watching the snow come down, but once it's down, I'm ready for it to melt away. We've had enough snow this year, and I'm ready for it to end. Everyone else is probably happy because school's been out, but I'm homebound so it didn't make a difference for me. The snow is exciting for a little while, but now it's getting a little old. "Snow, Snow, go away, come again another day." Ha Ha.
I know what you mean. However, there is a time for every season...this is what makes us appreciate what is coming up. Keep writing and let us know how you are doing. I guess we are "homebound" together...lol-Ms.Leef
I hope that this time off from the actual school environment will help you to heal. We miss you here at school (when we get have school!) and hope you get to come back soon.
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